• Lo-fi: The “aesthetic” way of studying

    Exam season is up and I am DEFINITELY not helping you right now So because I don’t like studying (what a surprise), I constantly keep looking for some fun ways to jazz up my study sessions. I came across one such thing some while back, called Lo-fi. Now I was going through youtube (which knows more about me than myself) and with all the Lo-fi’s I am listening to these days, recommended me a video about basically, What is Lo-Fi and how they made a lofi album themselves. I watched it and got info more on the technical part than about actual lofi. So I began my search Good Question.…

  • Sunday Ramble☕

    I think I must have done one of these before. Rambling is a must to do activity for me once in a while. A detox you can say. Even though I am a person who listens more, to some people I can be a pain. I have A LOT of things to talk to sometimes, so I write them here so that my friends can have a peaceful day ahead without their brains burning out : ) (thank me later people) So I found some out of context, random here and there that I will answer lets start 1. How has water impacted your life? Wow. Funny. . Someone once…

  • Back to hell hole + recent reads

    This week, I finally went back to school and OH GOD, I didn’t expect it to be so………….normal? YET different Everyone wanted to get back to school, but just a few days before going to school, I started feeling uneasy and anxious. There was absolutely NOTHING to be anxious about. But, well mind is complicated and it gets fretful sometimes. Some of my friends also experienced the same thing So the first day, 1 September, I have woke up late. My mom is irritated. My dad is talking about how it is high time to manage my time My day has started in a splendid manner. Cherry on the cake…

  • ✨Updated music Playlist✨ + More than ONE Year with Meliadback

    I am back……… ~again~ So, ignoring my very PROMINENT inactivity, let’s move forward with we are here for today IT HAS BEEN MORE THAN A YEAR. I can’t believe that I stuck to something for more than a week! Blogging wasn’t something I wanted to do by my own will. My dad introduced me to it saying that, because I was already a reader, writing would add up to be another good habit I was like……ok? I am one of those people who literally don’t like to try out any new things. But during this pandemic, I wanted to try out something new. So THERE! anyways I am SUPPER DUPPER…

  • Does our technology connect us more, or isolate us more?

    [BTW before we start, I am getting these topics from this post by wasabi learning (clickable)] Being an existing human being in the 21st century, we all are exposed to the bewildering world of technology. With COVID on our heads and us being stuck in our houses, we understood the importance of technology in our lives even more. Technology helped us connect to our dear ones without meeting them, virtually. Technology was a BIG help medically too. With doctors available 24/7 online, no one had to step a foot outside their homes, if not serious. But with every improvement, comes a disadvantage, right? Obviously! So to answer this question in…

  • How is our perception of good and evil shaped by our films, books, and video games?

    Hmmmm…. Interesting. One might say “Nahh. They are just for entertainment purposes” But truthfully these are ACTUALLY the things that shape our perspective about things around us That is why it is said to read good books and watch good stuff when we are kids. Let’s discuss some of these situations in detail Do Fictional characters and Fictional worlds influence us in real lives? Ok let’s get real. EVERYONE OF YOU MUST have tried to make a wand at home, or bought a wand, took some random nick-nacks from here and there, searched spells, and tried to lift up a pencil Nope? Only me? Well then cool. But anyways what…

  • We were Liars book review

    Hi! …….. ola so book review!!!!AGAINNNNN Can’t help it. With this year ALSO being a year of “dont even TRY to go outside without spraying yourself all up with that mediciny liquid and your bff, the 2 inch cloth you wear on your mouth’ anyways so as we are our homes, what better then to read a BUNCH of books? So today, we are reviewing ONE OF THE MOST TALKED ABOUT BOOK ON TIKTOK!!! I am talking about WE WERE LIARS by E. LOCKHART This is quite a short read. With barely crossing the 200 page mark, this book is a PERFECT short, fast paced book to read this summer.…

  • Vicious Spirits Book Review!!

    Yo helloo !!!! I JUST finished reading Vicious spirits. The reason this blog might go up a little late is because I was planning to fully read it and then review it. So HERE IT IS!! It was probably my most anticipated book after I read Wicked fox. But then somehow I forgot about it and it then suddenly appeared on my amazon home page. So I HAD to buy it As in short, this book is about the aftermath of Junu’s Halmeoni (Grandmother) and Yena (Miyoung’s mother) death. Both Jihoon and Miyong are grieving. This leaves SOMIN to get close to the mischievous and mysterious dokkaebi JUNU. A lot…

  • I find dreams interesting + Got three NEW books

    Yesterday I slept And day before too and literally everyday SO what is this about? I have been finding the working of my brain really interesting these days So I wanna know more about how brain works and how dreams are related to our reality, why do we dream in a certain pattern etc. This is all what I found so decided to share it Take a look 🙂 We can neither read nor see ourselves in dreams So you are dreaming. You wanna check if you are ACTUALLY dreaming. Well, if there is a book in front of you. But you wont be able to read it. Or you…

  • #2 The most meaningFUL and meaningLESS songs in Kpop

    Now That you have read the last blog, you might be wondering… “HEY! WHAT ABOUT THE MEANINGLESS SONGS??” well PART 2 IS HERE so ENJOYYY —————————x—————————— [DISCLAIMER: I am going to be picking certain LYRICS that make NO SENSE. The ret of the song “might” be better, but in this blog, we will NOT talk about the whole song, only snippets of them Chocolate candy fruit Honey butter waffle and Marshmallow mango juice eat everything lightly  I will not be explaining these lyrics because they are par my intelligence 🙂 Bam Ratatata Tatatatata Bam Ratatata Tatatatata Bam Ratatata Tatatatata Bam Ratatata Tatatatata This song is legendary WHATSOEVER I went crazy…